
Motion Feedback MP3 Trigger

by on Apr.07, 2010, under technoPHILE

I posted over at Instructables a project that uses the Parallax PIR Motion Sensor (yes, it IS that same I used in the Halloween Hack, ye of the clan Observant) to encourage me to be working out. If I am, then I am rewarded with some tunes to keep moving along. However, if I am lazy and take a breather…well….. “No Snoop For You!”

Motion Feedback MP3 Trigger

The Parts List:

Key objectives here:

  • Try out the SparkFun MP3 Trigger
  • Finally get a project into an enclosure that I think will be good for other people’s projects (this could be the next Altoids contender?)
  • Delve into “Onboard Rules” functions of the IO-204 while offline
Assembled parts used in Motion Feedback MP3 project
Assembled parts used in Motion Feedback MP3 project

If you want more details, head over to the Instructables post.

Here is the project enclosure. Admit it, you love you some Maker’s Notebook, too, don’t you? The MP3 Trigger sits snug as a bug in a rug with the machine screws and nuts anchoring it in place. 2 additional ones hold the PIR Motion Sensor to the front of the tin. Getting the larger hole in the front and back was tricky because I did not have a great pair of snips around. I’ll know for next time! I did manage to wear through several Dremmel bit tips in my stubbornness of using the wrong tool for the job.

New project enclosure idea
New project enclosure idea

Here she be all wired up. Note, she AIN’T wired to the LAN, so this is using the “Onboard Rules” feature. If I did want to datalog the session, I would have to plug in to my router (which in this case really is not more than 10 feet away).

Top View of MP3 Motion Feedback MP3 Player
Top View of MP3 Motion Feedback MP3 Player
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6 comments for this entry:
  1. Frost

    Nice. But, come on, U2? No “Eye of the Tiger?” I think we need a training montage.

  2. ioBridge News and Projects» Feedback MP3 Player and Activity Logger

    […] learn more about how to make your own, visit Instructables and Polymythic.com or YouTube. The project also is posted on Engadget and UberGizmo. Well done, […]

  3. Jeremy

    very inspired by this project and am working on something similar for a large, full-room art installation as part of my MFA thesis – wondering several things, but mainly: can you run two (or more) triggers to the same device setup to play two (or more) mp3 tracks simultaneously (assuming that there several (4 or more) speaker outputs)? I have many questions actually, would be very grateful if you contacted me via e-mail for a short exchange, if possible…

  4. Steve

    Thanks for taking a look at the project. You would be able to trigger multiple devices off the same sensor. Or have the device trigger off any one of several sensors. However, having the device I use play multiple mp3 tracks at the same time is not possible to my knowledge. That would be a limitation of the player itself. There is also only one audio output jack on the device.

  5. Collaboration: An Art and a Science - Polymythic

    […] was contacted by artist Jeremy Stern who had seen my motion-feedback instructables.com project towards the end of last year. He was planning an installation for his […]

  6. Jeremy

    Steve, Very cool project! I’m actually working on an interactive project of my own and am missing a few key elements. It’s funny, but I’m yet another artist named Jeremy (ha, ha), who is also getting an MFA. Guess you are a magnet for us! Anyway, I need a little help with my own project and am hoping you could help me out. I’m almost there, but need a little help with my code in regards to dynamic volume control. Please contact me by email and perhaps we can work something out. Looking forward to your response…

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